商品系列: THE YEA

The Yea 來自美國東岸費城地區,由BMX車手Matt Smith於2007年創立。基於本身的設計靈感以及對BMX的熱情,Matt以非常有限的資源創立了這個品牌,並且經過多年的磨練慢慢推出各式各樣的BMX周邊配件。近年來The Yea所推出的復古保護套系列更是令人驚豔,復古的概念下加入現代簡潔流線的外觀設計,顛覆了傳統保護套肥大笨重的外觀並加入一些簡單的設計巧思,完全由BMX車手的角度去研發並改善其產品。所有保護套系列產品皆由Matt設計、製作、包裝完成,展現BMX DIY精神的最佳寫照!
The Yea is an American BMX  brand founded in 2007 by Matt Smith. With the innovative mind & passion for BMX, creating a series of BMX clothing & accessories. The pad sets & stem buddies are the most iconic products from The Yea, with slimmer & more attractive touches The Yea creates a unique flavor for BMX pads. Everything was hand-made in US by Matt with BMX DIY mentality.