Collection: RIDENOW 超輕量內胎

RideNow成立於2017年,由一群愛好自行車運動的工程師在中國青島市所創立,是一間研發自行車相關產品的新創公司。借助日新月異科技發展,致力於研發高性價比的自行車相關產品,旗下最受注目的產品為超輕量化TPU內胎,非常具有市場競爭力的價格與性價比超高的品質讓這間公司快速崛起! 也是首間推出16" / 18" /20" 三種BMX尺寸的TPU內胎品牌。

RideNow was founded in 2017 by a group of rider/engineers in Qingdao, China. Is a start-up company dedicated to technical bicycle product engineering, focusing on affordable high quality products. The most popular item from RideNow is their TPU super light tubes, comes in wide variety of wheel sizes and specifically for BMX in 16", 18" and 20".